Applications for leadership positions are now open to help lead the Society in the 2022-2023 academic year. Applicants must be current or incoming students at Oxford, and are members of OSFSS, or willing to become a member. Applications will close 9 September 2022. We are looking for goal-oriented Oxonians interested in sustainable finance and its impact and willing to take the following roles:
Society Officers:
- Treasurer
- Assistant Secretary and Webmaster
Events Stream:
- Events Coordinators
Development Stream:
- Membership Manager
- Alliance and Outreach Manager
Academics Stream:
- Editors
- Reading Group Managers
Communications Stream:
- Communications Vice President
- Social Media Manager
You will find the description of the roles and responsibilities below.
If you are interested, please email us your CV accompanied by a cover letter expressing your motivation to take a particular position and (where available) relevant experience to the program you are accepted into (together with the final year of your program). After considering your application we will contact you via the same email address you used to express your interest and (where necessary) will appoint an interview to ask/answer all relevant questions.
Please direct applications and questions about the Society to Jimmy Jia (

Society officers are responsible for general administration of the society and meeting university-required obligations.
President [Jimmy Jia]: Is responsible for the general management of the society, interface with the Senior Member and departmental sponsors of the Society.
Secretary [Olivia Sanchez]: is responsible for general management of corporate activities of the Society and liaise with the University Authorities on any matters in relation thereto. The secretary will manage and maintain the records of the society.
[Vacant] Treasurer: person controlling the Society’s finances, keeping records of Society's financial transactions, preparing annual budget, controlling Society's bills etc. The Treasurer sits on the board of the Society and is responsible for preparing reports to be submitted to the University and our Departmental sponsors.
The goal of the events stream is to produce programmes that further the educational and social mission of the society.
Events Vice President [Thomas Saitta]: This person in charge of Society’s official events and socials. The person oversees the team that produces events on behalf of the society. Responsibilities include creating and managing the Term Card, recruiting and managing event coordinators, and supporting operations, logistics. The person will lead termly brainstorms to help identify the most relevant issues and topics for future term cards.
[Vacant] Events Coordinators (multiple openings): Events leads are involved with all aspects of creating an event, such as lectures, panels, socials, and informal discussions. This includes helping to refine the topic, identifying speakers, organising logistics, among other duties to ensure the general success of the relevant projects. In the past, our event stream has included the following events. Event coordinators are expected to take the lead on one event per term.
- Hybrid lectures by professors or professionals
- Panel discussions
- Informal DPhil socials
- Formal dinners
- London field trips
- Social events (punting, drinks, etc.)
The goal of the relationship managers is to maintain and grow connections with other stakeholders within the global sustainable finance ecosystem.
Vice President of Development, Careers and Alumni/Alumnae [Manisha]: the Careers and Alumni Manager helps bridge members and students to the Society’s and the University's alumni and to the broader professional community. The manager’s contribution will help build our network of partners and allies in industry to search for career opportunities and facilitate students in their internship and employment applications, as well as finding mentors to guide them on their path of building their careers in sustainable finance.
[Vacant] Membership Manager: This person leads a team of relationship managers who maintain contact with stakeholders key to the society’s success. In addition, this person will be the head of student membership, collecting dues and maintain a record of all current members of the society. The person will help create and manage a recruitment strategy across the university, helping maintain and increase the reach of the society to as many departments and degree programmes as possible. The membership manager will have access to our mailing list and will be an administrator on our website.
[Vacant] Alliances and Outreach Manager: will develop the Society’s networks and relations to other societies. This includes Oxford departments, student societies as well peer societies across global universities. The manager will keep track of opportunities that are relevant to the society’s members and help promote them within our channels.
The goal of the academic stream is to create an environment of learning, sharing and discussion.
Academics Vice President and Chief Editor [Dennis West]: This officer is responsible for managing the academic stream. The Chief Editor will write or assign writers to the programmes produced by the Events team to take notes and write summaries or reflections of the sessions into short articles. These articles will then be distributed via our social media channels. The Chief Editor will also manage the reading groups and create an environment conducive to learning about sustainable finance.
[Vacant] Reading Group Manager (max 2): Reading group managers will be responsible for leading small groups (up to 6) to read and discuss sustainable finance-related topics on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Subject-matter knowledge is not required. The person needs to facilitate and moderate discussion and create a peer-learning environment.
The goal of the communications stream is to manage our digital assets and communicate the society’s activities to a broad audience.
[Vacant] Communications Vice President: will be responsible managing the communications team and for developing and improving the society’s social media and messaging strategy. In addition, the person will be responsible for creating and distributing the weekly newsletter. The person will have overall responsibility of LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Canva (design), WIX (website and newsletter), and manage a team to support the society’s social media platform.
[Vacant] Webmaster: this official will be responsible for the placement of the content on the Society’s website and communications with the university’s authorities on all IT-related issues.
[Vacant] Social Media Manager (Multiple): the manager will oversee the content of Society's pages in social media (currently, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram).